Tilo Holighaus (GER)

Alter: 42
Beruf: Segelflugzeugbauer
Flugzeug: Ventus 2ax (D-2111/VV)
Flugstunden (Segelflug): 3500
Qualifizierung: 1st Brasov
Erfolge: 2. Platz QGP in Chile 2009,
1 Weltrekord,
mehrere nationale Rekorde

Hobbies: gliding! But also sports (bicycling, jogging, XC-skiing, mountain hiking); vintage gliders and planes; younger history

Family: Married with Katja (also glider pilot), 3 Kids (Amelie+Felix, both 7 years; Charlotte 5 years)

Flying since: 1984 (with 14).
I was always fascinated by gliding and started with model gliders until I finally reached the age of 14. I grew up on airfields because my parents always took me to all competitions and other gliding-events, which I greatly enjoyed. Occasionally I could also fly with my father or my mother in a two-seater.

Competing since: 1986

Flight hours: gliding and total : approx. 3.500 hours in gliders and 100 hours in motorplanes

Other flight experience: minor motorplane experience (mainly towing gliders)

I feel very proud and privileged flying the Grand Prix over such a historic place like the Wasserkuppe. Can there be anything better for celebrating 100 years of Gliding? I’m looking forward to exciting flights in one of Germany’s most beautiful places together with so many top pilots from all over the world.