Olli Teronen (FIN)

Alter: 51
Beruf: Gesichts- und Kieferchirurg
Flugzeug: ASW 27 (D-5527/BR)
Flugstunden (Segelflug): 1800
Qualifizierung: 3rd Nummela

Kurzvorstellung des Piloten:

I started my gliding at late 80′s after my graduation as a dentist. So 
I’m a late starter. I immediatelly knew that this would be my no. 1 
hobby and passion. My first competition was at 1991, since when I have 
enjoyed frequently of the thrilling atmosphere of gliding competitions.

I have attended on yearly basis to finnish championships with results 
gradually improving.
I have competed in the Europeans (2006 club class and 2007 open class) 
and Worlds (2002 club class) and also was one of the lucky finalists 
in the last Grand Prix final in Santiago, Chile 2010.